Action!! Vroommmm..vroommmm!!

Ok so I got video of Bill riding the go-kart...hilarious. I am not sure if you can hear Shel, but she says something like, "this is blog material" and I replied, "totally'!! This brings tears to my eyes!

Family FUN!

The go-kart is officially running! Bill and Shel bought this hilarious go-kart that has a pink truck frame..which by the way, can be removed..oh fun times!

Hunter making the cheesy smile he does when someone is about to take his picture...this cracks me up!

G'pas 80th B'day Party!

Grandpa Houston turns 80! Yay! We celebrated last weekend with a good ole' fashion hotdog roast on the prairie...(for those of you who are wondering..prairie=grassland, ya know, that G'pa owns)...anywhoo. We had so much fun eating, playing volleyball, and just talking about wonderful memories and creating new ones! There is Gpa and Gma with the chocolate fruit bouquet he got..instead of cake, YUMMY!

A buffalo waller...sp? where the buffalo roamed!
Bet you didn't know that did ya?

And Hunter getting a hold of the camera!

Cheese ball!

An Old-fashioned hotdog roast!

Iowa Trip 2009

Mom, Grandma W., Shel, Hunter and I took a weekend trip to Iowa to visit G'mas sister. We had such a good time visiting, shopping, and just relaxing! It was great to see Uncle Kenny and Aunt Shirley. We took off out of Atchison and headed toward Newton, IA..a short drive really!
Lots of FUN!

The cutest ice cream shop in Atchison, we had to visit before heading out!

And Aunt Shona found candy cigarettes..Hunter loved them!

Shel and I...and some really cool old stairs downtown Newton!

We spent some time at the Newton pool while we were there...Hunter had a blast going down the slide!